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Friday, March 15, 2019

8 great/8 straight

8 Great/8 Straight Series

The complete update of the big 8 series

Ok, first let me invite you 
SFI are going to give you free full access to the world-class training center, for as long as you want, and without any cost.


As soon as you’re ready, Work from the comfort of your home, or as you travel, on your computer, tablet, or even your smartphone. Do as little or as much with SFI as you want. Sample as many of our hundreds of powerful free business tools and resources as you want. Go fast, go slow. It's OK with us. You can kick our tires and take the SFI-mobile around the block as many times as you want. And all the while, you can earn as you learn, and always with no obligation. Have fun!!!
If you have not followed this 8 series take a look at this

1st of the 8 series the ECommergy

What is ECommergy? In brief, it's a site for and by ecommerce entrepreneurs. It will feature:

* "Best of the best" articles, videos, and audios from across the web, hand-selected and curated by us and other ecommerce experts we will be working with.
* Exclusive articles and other content.
* New content added daily.
* Sophisticated search engine.
* Peer ratings and reviews.
* Exclusive forum with "Ask Me Anything" sub-forums with onsite experts in blogging, SEO, marketing, etc. for personal expert consultation.
* A variety of tools and features for managing your favorite articles, reading lists, etc.

* Note that ECommergy is 100% generic. Anyone who's in ecommerce...or wants to be...or should be...are potential subscribers.


2nd the Daily Crown

A bigger, better Daily Crown!
We've just increased the number of winners drawn in the Daily Crown each day from 285 to 580! Wow! We've also TRIPLED the number of times you can win from a maximum of 10 every 30 a win every single day! And the total Rewardicals awarded daily has been increased by more than 114% from 35,000 to 75,000!
Get the full details and learn how to get the max. number of free entries each day here:

Third the two big new Starter Incentives !
The 3rd in our "8 great/8 straight" series of announcements, SFI are excited to debut two more powerful Starter Incentives (#101, #102) designed to help you get your (Personally Sponsored Affiliates)PSAs active and engaged.

Get the full details and learn how you can put these new incentives to work for you,  here


Starter Incentive #103 allows you to incentivize your new PSAs to make their first purchase at TripleClicks.   And you'll of course decide how many Rewardical they'll receive.


Starter Incentive #104 allows you to incentivize your new PSAs to try out Astro Auctions (a great way to encourage the purchase of TCredits and, potentially, lots of future purchases and auction participation). simply opt in for this Starter Incentive and choose how many Rewardicals they'll receive for participating in an auction.

4rth The Opti-Build

A little over two years ago, SFI debuted Opti-Build, a program designed to automate the construction of the "perfect" downline in SFI.

And while it has certainly performed wonderfully for some, only a small percentage of SFI affiliates are actually using Opti-Build. That's a shame. So SFI decided that Opti-Build needed to be rebuilt from scratch, to create a downline-builder tool that everyone can put to work for them.

It needed to be much simpler, easier to manage, the rules much less complicated. And it needed to be more inclusive.

The 4th in our "8 great/8 straight" series of announcements, SFI are excited to introduce a new and improved Opti-Build!

To use Opti-Build now, you simply need to...

1. Register and log in first

Go to the Opti-Build Manager

2. Opt in (the Opti-build) if you're not opted in already.

3. Choose what percentage of the sign-ups you are generating that you want processed by Opti-Build. You can choose 100%, 50%, or the new 25%.

4. Select who you want to receive your chosen percentage of POAs (Personally Originated Affiliates) new sign ups. 
Note that we've added a new tab to the Genealogy especially for this purpose. From this new tab, you can quickly add recipients from your entire Genealogy(downline team). This new Genealogy tab also provides historical data (i.e. you can see who and how many sign-ups your group members have received from you).

That's it! Opti-Build will immediately begin processing sign-ups per the preferences you've set. It's that simple!

Note that any adjustments you make are automatically saved and go into effect immediately.

The new Opti-Build, let's clarify why you would ever "give away" sign-ups to members of your team. 
The answer is very simple. In our type of business, "You succeed if they succeed."

More detailed here

5th The Direct Commission

100% CV Direct Commissions now even juicer!
Effective immediately, on all your PSAs and PRMs, you’re now going to earn 100% of the CV on their first purchase, no matter when that occurs! That’s 5x the normal Direct Commission and will allow you to get into profit faster than ever!

Full details and earnings examples at: SFI forum

( follow the remaining 3 of 8 series next update)

6th The T-Time 

T-Time now awarding 120 additional winners daily!
Effective immediately, our popular T-Time program at has been expanded. Now, instead of 30 winners of two TCredits every hour...we are awarding two TCredits to 35 winners every hour!

That's now 70 FREE TCredits awarded every hour, 1680 TCredits and 840 individual winners daily! 

To enter our free hourly drawing, go to:

7th. TCurrency Merchants Wanted

TCurrency Rising!
A streamlined new TCurrency program is on its way to TripleClicks, but what we really need is affiliates to step up to become TCurrency merchants. As a TCurrency Merchant, you can add a highly lucrative new income stream to your earnings by selling TCurrency to customers in your area.

Get the full details at NEWS at the SFI Forum (see "TCurrency Rising" article) here:

Introducing...the Zing Network Ad platform!
Today, March 18 '19 , as the 8th and final announcement in the series of "8 great/8 straight" announcements...SFI are excited to unveil the Zing Network Advertising platform, and Zing Network Ads.

The Zing Network, as you know, consists of the following six properties:

And for those six properties, the Zing Network currently boasts nearly 8.3 MILLION members (and growing daily)!
SFI believe it's time to allow the seller partners (especially ECAs at TripleClicks and Rewardical, and Localvantia merchants) to use the network to promote their brands and products to the members. So they designed and built a new, custom advertising platform that provides exactly that!

Yes, if you're a current ECA, a former ECA, a Rewardical ECA, a Localvantia merchant, or you'd just like to put your brand or products in front of our global membership, you'll now have that ability.

Get the full details at NEWS at the SFI Forum  here:

Source:  sfimg/forum

Saturday, March 9, 2019

An Exciting 8 Days With SFI

WOW  !
Starting Monday, March 11th, SFI are going to kick off 8 straight days of big announcements...
new products, 
new programs, 
and new features designed to explode SFI growth during the rest of 2019.

 Be sure you're following next week's daily news!
 It's going to be an exciting 8 days!
 So you can be amongst the first to know about all the exciting new stuff!

Source stream post from SFI founder Gery Carson

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Localvantia March Contest

$500 cash prizes for March Localvantia contest

Since Localvantia’s pre-launch on June 14, 2017, SFI  been carefully laying the foundation for this major Zing Network program.
  This month of March'19 SFI are kicking off some special new promotions to greatly increase Localvantia’s visibility and footprint around the world.

Here’s how you can win hundreds of dollars in cash in March:

  • Pre-register local merchants.  It’s simple and EASY!  Sign up free and  Learn how HERE:
  • For each approved pre-registration you submit  in March, you’ll get one entry in a drawing for a total of $200 in cash.  
  • On April 10th SFI will draw 10 names.  If your name is drawn, you will receive $20 cash (and you can win multiple times if your name is drawn more than once).
  • We will also be awarding $100 to each of the two affiliates who submit the most approved pre-registrations in March.

  • That’s not all.  For every merchant you pre-register in March, who activates their merchant account by April 10th, you’ll receive 250 cash-redeemable Rewardicals!

What you should do now:

  1. Start pre-registering merchants!  It’s simple and easy.  All you need is a camera or smart phone to take pictures and the ability to type business names and addresses.  
  2. Consider also taking on the crucial and potentially lucrative role of Localvantia Account Manager and for closing pre-registered merchants.
  3.   As the Account Manager of a Localvantia merchant, you’ll automatically earn 1 Rewardical for every 10 they dish out each month. Imagine you’ve signed up a popular restaurant or grocery store that SFI affiliates shop at and who earn themselves 50,000 Rewardicals a month from their purchases there.  That’s 5,000 cash-redeemable Rewardicals for you each month. 
  4.  And that’s just for ONE merchant; you could have dozens or even hundreds of merchants!  As an Account Manager, you’ll also receive all pre-registrations in your area that do not have an Account Manager!  Yes, a large portion of the merchants who will be pre-registered during this special March promotion, for example, will not have an Account Manager and could be assigned to you just for being an established Localvantia Account Manager in the area. Learn more here: